Making Yourself A Priority: Stop Settling and Start Loving Yourself

 Women often think that in order to be happy, they need to have a man (or partner). But the truth is that you have to make yourself happy first. Society has conditioned women to think that they need a man in their lives to make them happy and feel complete. But that is simply not true. Every woman has the right and power to create her own happiness without relying on another person for validation or companionship.

It’s time to stop settling for men who are abusive and/or disrespectful and start learning to love yourself enough to know when it’s time to be alone so that you can gain mental clarity. No matter how scary the unknown may seem, it’s important that you put yourself first and realize that you are worthy of a good partner; someone who listens, understands, is loyal and is financially stable.

Take back your power and learn how to be happy with yourself first. Relationships aren’t perfect but both parties need to make an effort to love and treat each other with respect.

Making yourself a priority is easier said than done but it is necessary in order for you to attract the right kind of attention from the right type of partner.

It’s important for you to love yourself before seeking out a relationship because if you don’t, then you’re likely going to settle for someone who is verbally or physically abusive. You may also think that you can’t get anyone else, so you should stay with someone even if the relationship isn’t healthy or fulfilling.

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Stop Settling for Abusive Relationships
It can be easy to fall into a pattern of staying in an abusive relationship because we think it’s our only option. But no one deserves to be abused ever! Everyone deserves to understand their worth and be surrounded by love from those around them, but unfortunately, sometimes it is not the case. Women need to realize that abuse is not just physical.

Abuse is an ugly truth that faces many women in relationships. Abuse can come in the form of emotional, physical, sexual, or verbal threats. When unhealthy forms of control occur in a relationship, whether with a romantic partner or family member, it is not love — rather it is a pattern of abuse. Recognizing these types of manipulations and power dynamics is key to understanding the harm being done to both parties and allowing for better health for all involved

If you are in an unhealthy relationship, take back control by recognizing it for what it is and getting yourself out of the situation as soon as possible. There are many resources available if you need help leaving an abusive situation.

The bottom line is that abuse is never okay, and you should not put up with it. Do not stay in an environment where you feel uncomfortable or unsafe and remember that true love does not ignore individual wishes or cause mistrust.

It is vital to remember that if there isn’t mutual respect and understanding between two people, regardless of how much one person loves the other, it is not a healthy relationship.

Don’t Fear Being Alone
When we feel alone, our minds tend to wander into dark places where we think we will never find someone else who will love us enough. We start settling for whatever type of relationship comes our way, even if it means sacrificing our mental health and emotional stability.

Don’t let fear prevent you from seeking out the relationship that you truly deserve — sometimes being alone can give us time to focus on ourselves and build our self-love so that when the right person does come along, we’re ready for them.

Love Yourself First
In order to find true love, you must first learn how to love yourself unconditionally. When we don’t feel good about ourselves, it can be easy to settle for whoever shows us attention or affection because we think they may be our only chance at finding someone who loves us back. But this isn’t healthy or fair — to either party.

Loving yourself means understanding that sometimes being single is the best option for getting mental clarity on what matters most in life. That includes taking some time away from relationships so that you can focus on yourself and your own goals.

Being single has many great benefits, both mentally and emotionally. For starters, being alone allows us the freedom to do whatever we want without having to consider another person’s feelings or opinions. It gives us time away from relationships so we can explore our passions, make new friends, and build up our self-confidence without any external pressures or expectations.

Experiencing a single life gives us the opportunity to find someone who truly loves us and puts us first — something that many people never experience when they settle for someone unfulfilling just because they fear being alone.

Before entering any new relationship, make sure you have done the work necessary to love yourself fully and unconditionally first; then look around for someone who deserves your beautiful heart.

Photo By: Canva


 How To Make Yourself A Priority

Making yourself a priority is easier said than done but it is necessary in order for you to attract the right kind of attention from the right type of partner. Here are some tips on how you can begin making yourself a priority:

1) Take care of your body by exercising regularly and eating healthy meals. Taking care of your body will not only help improve your self-esteem but will also give you more energy throughout the day.

2) Make time for yourself every day — no matter how busy life gets — even if it’s just 10 minutes dedicated solely to relaxation or self-reflection. It’s important to take some time out every day just for yourself!

3) Practice positive affirmations every morning as soon as wake up — this will help build your confidence and remind you how capable and strong you are!

4) Pursue activities or hobbies that make you feel passionate or excited — this will help keep your mind sharp while also giving you something enjoyable and productive to focus on outside of work or relationships!

5) Set boundaries with people in all aspects of life — whether it’s family, friends, co-workers, or even potential partners — this will help ensure that people treat you with respect.

6) Surround yourself with people who make you feel inspired and supported — having strong support systems helps keep negativity away while boosting self-confidence levels!

No matter what anyone else tells you, remember that happiness starts with loving yourself first before looking elsewhere for validation or companionship. You don’t need to remain in an unhealthy relationship for money or materialistic things either. Your mental and physical health is more important than shopping to cover up a bad relationship. Gain your own financial independence so you don’t have to even consider remaining in an unhealthy relationship or depending on others. Stop settling for men (or partners)who are abusive because nobody deserves this kind of treatment especially not from someone they care about deeply.

Take back control by recognizing what makes a good relationship versus a bad one. Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you instead of putting down your dreams and ambitions in life just so they could feel better about themselves in comparison.

Making yourself a priority isn’t always easy but it is possible — especially when armed with knowledge about what steps should be taken in order for one’s own well-being. It’s time that women everywhere understand their own worthiness and know they don’t need anyone else but themselves to live a fulfilling life filled with joy and peace.



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